Starting tomcat server through Your java class
We generally click TOMCAT_HOME\bin\tomcat7.exe to start the tomcat server
it internally executes org.apache.catalina.startup. is a class which contains main()
When we launch tomcat,jvm internally create the object of and calls main() on it
Write your own Javaclass.From the main() of ur class,call the main() of BootStrap.class,server will start successfully
create the directory structure
| |-->
| |-->Server.xml(copy & Paste it from TOMCAT_HOME\conf folder)
|--->bootstrap.jar --->main jar file, all others are dependent jar file
Collect first 2 jar from Tomcat_HOME\bin folder
and Remaining jars from TOMCAT_HOME\lib folder
jasper.jar,jsp-api.jar is needed to activate jsp support,other wise not needed
import org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap;
public class StartTomcat
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
Bootstrap bs=new Bootstrap();
***************Program Ends***********************
We generally click TOMCAT_HOME\bin\tomcat7.exe to start the tomcat server
it internally executes org.apache.catalina.startup. is a class which contains main()
When we launch tomcat,jvm internally create the object of and calls main() on it
Write your own Javaclass.From the main() of ur class,call the main() of BootStrap.class,server will start successfully
create the directory structure
| |-->
| |-->Server.xml(copy & Paste it from TOMCAT_HOME\conf folder)
|--->bootstrap.jar --->main jar file, all others are dependent jar file
Collect first 2 jar from Tomcat_HOME\bin folder
and Remaining jars from TOMCAT_HOME\lib folder
jasper.jar,jsp-api.jar is needed to activate jsp support,other wise not needed
import org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap;
public class StartTomcat
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
Bootstrap bs=new Bootstrap();
***************Program Ends***********************
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