Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Problem while Attaching Datepicker to Dynamic Page

Datepicker is not attached in Dynamic form,whenever a new row is added.
If you are working with javascript,that dynamically creates a new row upon clicking Add button
& one of the field(dob) is datepicker,then usually u will find a problem

Newly created rows may not shown you datepicker on clicking the textfield.
This is because DOM object is not updated by javascript engine.

A way to overcome this problem is
When ever you click on add button,call a method,which once again applies datepicker to all the dob column

I will use jquery to do this stuff

<script src="js/jquery-1.5.2.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.datepick.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
@import "css/jquery.datepick.css";

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function()   //onpageload,when dom tree is ready execute this block
       updateDatePicker();         //applies datepicker on existing form compents

   function updateDatePicker()
       //for all the input textfield whose name starts with startDate,apply datepicker
      $("input:text[name^=startDate]").datepick();//here iam referring component by its name,
//for all the input textfield whose id starts with endDate,apply datepicker
      $("input:text[id^=endDate]").datepick();//you can even refer by id
function addRow()
//logic to dynamically add record,
//call this method to apply datepicker again on the whole thing,so that newly created columns will also be //effected


    <input type=text name=startDate1>
    <input type=text id=endDate1 name=edate1>
    <input type=button onclick=addRow()>